"Tommy" was entrusted to the care of a dog walker in Toronto, Ontario when he bolted on May 24, 2009. Despite Herculean efforts to find their lost dog, the 18-pound, [then] 18-month-old Bichon/Poodle is still missing in action.
Tommy's pet family is reported to have spent over $10,000 on newspaper ads in the Toronto Star and National Post, as well as being featured on CTV News. They're even gone so far as to hire a tracking dog and post a $3,000 reward for Tommy's safe return.
Tommy's case is also prominently featured on Petsecure's website with the following message: "It's for situations like these that Petsecure provides Lost Pet Advertising as one of our member benefits when you enroll - we offer up to $1,000 to help get your lost pet home. We are also big fans of PetLynx - a great service that helps reunite lost pets and their people."
If you have seen Tommy or know where he is, call (416) 606-4349,
(416) 580-3699 or HelpFindTommy.com.