Friday, January 29, 2010

Lost Your Cat? Search From a Cat's Point of View

The Davies family were concerned when Boots, their eight-month old kitten, was recovering from spay surgery because she seemed to be experiencing some discomfort. Needless to say, they were frantic when they couldn't find her a few hours after they had brought her home from the vet!
After a quick search of the house, they registered Boots as “lost” on PetLynx™.

Thankfully, Boots was not really missing, she had just decided to curl up in a little ball and sleep for a few hours! The kitten reappeared when she was hungry.

“Although we know she likes warm and hidden away places, we failed to check a little crawl space under the stairwell!” explained Mr. Davies. “We had turned the house upside down looking for her, but didn't look there.”

The Davies’ say they learned a valuable lesson; one that they’ll be sure to use the next time kitty pulls a disappearing act! They suggest you look through your home from a cat’s point-of-view. Even get down on your hands and knees to search!

“Be sure you check hidden away places,” said Mr. Davies. “Look through the whole house room by room, closing each door behind you as you go.”